Average Rating Filter and Review Count Filter

In Supasell, you can apply filters such as the Average Rating filter and Review Count filter to the products analyzed to create strategy-oriented reports, and find more profitable products.

Average Rating filter and Review Count filter are available under the “Filters” tab on the “Filters & Settings” section at the top of the report’s screen in the Supasell control panel. The both filters can only be used for the selling market. Therefore, the filter option under “Selling Filters” must be activated (Blue: On, Grey: Off) to be able to apply the Average Score filter and Review Count.

Average Rating and Review Count

When you activate the Average Rating filter, you should enter a rating range or lower and upper rating limits. After the desired values are entered and activated with the “Apply Filter” button, the filter results can be examined in the line containing the “Rating” information in the “Basic Info” column of the Supasell product row.

The products with the lowest/highest number of reviews in a certain range desired to be seen in the table can be listed using the values to be entered in the opened section after enabling the Review Count filter. After the desired values are entered and activated with the “Apply Filter” button, the filter results can be seen in the line containing the “Reviews” information in the “Basic Info” column of the Supasell product row.

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