The storage of products sold on Amazon at Amazon’s contracted logistics warehouses and the execution of product preparation, packaging, and delivery processes by Amazon after sales from these warehouses is called Fulfillment by Amazon, or FBA for short.

Contrary to FBA, the sales method in which the products are stored, prepared and packaged by the seller stores, and the seller store’s coverage of every detail about the delivery, is called Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM).

An FBM Availability filter shows whether the products analyzed in Supasell are eligible for FBM. Products that are not eligible for FBM can be removed from the report or inventory using this filter.

Filters - FBM Availability

The FBM Availability filter is located in the Filters section under the Filters & Settings tab at the top of the report in the Supasell control panel, in the section where the filters for the buying market are located and can be applied by enabling the option next to the filter.

The FBM Availability filter can be set

  1. to show products with available for FBM or
  2. to show products with NOT available for FBM.

After clicking the Apply Filter button, the results of the applied filter can be viewed in the report table below.

Amazon Prime Filter and Amazon Choice Filter Supasell Filters

Amazon Prime Filter and Amazon Choice Filter

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Title Keywords - Include and Exclude Filters Supasell Filters

Title Keywords - Include and Exclude Filters

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Price Filter and Average Price Filter Supasell Filters

Price Filter and Average Price Filter

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Variation Filter Supasell Filters

Variation Filter

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