Same Brand & Seller Filter

By applying the Same Brand & Seller Filter to the products analyzed in Supasell, products with the same seller and brand can be easily found on the report screen or during inventory management.

The Same Brand & Seller Filter is available on the Filters tab in the Filters & Settings section at the top of your report in the Supasell control panel. This filter can only be applied to the Selling Market. For this reason, it can be applied by finding the Same Brand & Seller Filter under Selling Filters and activating the option next to it.

Supasell Filtreler - Aynı Marka & Satıcı

  • In order to display the products with the same brand and seller, the option in the opened section must be enabled as in the image.
  • On the other hand, in order to exclude products with the same brand and seller from the list, this option must be disabled.

After applying a filter with the Apply Filters button, the results can be viewed in the table below.

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