Price Filter and Average Price Filter

Strategy-oriented reports can be created, and more profitable products can be found by applying filters such as Price and Average Price to the products analyzed in Supasell.

Price Filter and Average Price Filter are available under the “Filters” tab on the “Filters & Settings” section at the top of the report’s screen in the Supasell control panel and the both Price and Average Price filters can be applied to both buying and selling markets.

The Price filter checks the prices that the “BuyBox Sellers” and “Lowest Sellers” have set for the products and sorts the ones that fit your filter. Similarly, the Average Price filter looks at the prices that the other sellers have set for the products and sorts the products that fit your filter settings.

Average Price and Price FiltersPrice and Average Price filters can be activated (Blue: On, Grey: Off) using the filter options under the market that is going to be applied.

After you activate the Price filter option, it is requested to enter a price range or price lower/upper limit in the opened section. The price values to be entered should be written in the currency of the buying market for the buying market and in the currency of the selling market for the selling market. After enabling the “Apply Filter” button, you can see the results in the table’s column that contain information about the relevant market.

Similarly, it is requested that you enter a price range or price lower/upper limit after you activate the Average Price filter. As in the Price filter, the price values should be entered in the currency of the buying market for the buying market and in the currency of the selling market for the selling market. After activating the filter with the “Apply Filter” button, the results can be viewed in the line of the Supasell product row, which contains information about the relevant market.

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